Seed Oils - also known as Vegetable Seed Oils - Corn Oil, Cottonseed Oil, Soybean Oil,
Safflower Oil, Peanut Oil, Canola Oil, Vegetable Oil.
The best way to think about vegetable oils is as poison.
Video on the science explaining why you need to avoid
seed oils.
You get most of your Seed Oil from the following sources:
Fried Food - almost all Fried Food is fried in Seed Oils.
Ready-to-eat Prepackaged Carbs.
Salad Dressings.
Fried Food and Seed Oils
Almost all restaurant fried food is fried in seed oils. You have to avoid getting
fried food from restaurants. In the future there will hopefully be more
restaurants that do not use Seed Oils for frying.
You can continue to fry food at home using Lard, Beef Tallow, Duck Fat, Butter, etc...
Ready-to-eat Prepackaged Carbs and Seed Oils.
potato or corn chips
granola bars
trail mix
other carby snacks that come in a vacuum-sealed package and are ready to eat.
These prepackaged garbage carbs are literally the very worst of
the modern western diet.
And - to add insult to injury - people usually eat these prepackaged garbage carbs as snacks.
Each time you eat it as a snack - you also gratuitously spike up your blood sugar as well as
eat a little extra Seed Oil poison.
And people often do it every 2-3 hours.
You absolutely need to start to dramatically cutting down - and gradually mostly eliminating
- the prepackaged carbs. You basically do not have a choice. So long as you keep snacking on
prepackaged carbs throughout the day - nothing else you do food-wise is going to matter much.
Salad Dressings and Seed Oils
Just start using olive oil + vinegar + salt with your salads.
There are (usually) small amounts of vegetable oils in all kinds of other things you eat.
But the fried food, the prepackaged carbs, and salad dressing account for the overwhelming
majority of seed oils people eat.
So start with that.