About Real Food Longevity

Health Reality Today

Majority of people in the west today die of either heart attack, cancer, or a complication related to diabetes.

Had you lived 150 years ago in any remote village in Europe, Americas, Asia, you would know plenty of people who were 90+/100+ years old, but you would not know a single person who died of heart attack, cancer, or who had anything but perfect blood sugar (and why their causes of deaths earlier in their lives are completely irrelevant to us today).

The only major difference between you and people around you today and 150 years ago is the food.


  • Pre-1910s - among people in remote mountain areas in Europe, as well as among natives outside frontier settlements in Americas and Africa - everyone was fit and thin their whole lives. There was zero cancer, zero heart disease, and everyone had stable blood sugar.

    They all ate mostly fatty meat, various local seasonal vegetables and fruits, plus starches and grains. That is the only food they had. There was no imported food.

  • Pre-1910s - in major US and European cities - heart disease, cancer, and diabetes were 95%-99% lower than they are today.

    Food in the cities was also mostly fatty meat, but carbs started to gradually increase since about 1850s. The wealthy in the cities were eating more carbs, and the same wealthy were primarily affected by increase in diabetes, heart disease, cancer.

  • 1910s till 1970s - Margarine and Seed Oils are gradually starting to replace Lard and Butter. People are starting to eat less meat and more carbs/plants. Heart disease, cancer, and diabetes are increasing proportionally.

  • 1970s till now - government guidelines are encouraging people to eat less meat/animal fat, more carbs, and more vegetable oils. People follow the guidelines. Obesity rates really explode. Heart disease, cancer, and diabetes keep increasing.

Real Food Longevity Approach to Weight Loss and Regaining Health.

Real Food Longevity approaches making changes to what you eat as largely carbs addiction and food addiction management.

I studied detailed testimonials from over a thousand people who were able to permanently lose weight and regain health through various carbs-lowering methods. In essence, what worked and what did not work to help them beat their carbs addiction.

History proves that switching to eating mostly meat+vegetables+starches with minimal seed oils and minimal carbs leads to spectacular results in terms of long-term health, longevity, and permanent weigh loss.

Real Food Longevity gives you the play-by-play of the practical things you can do to beat your carbs addiction, drop most of the seed oils from your diet, gradually and permanently lose weight, and regain your health.

My Personal Story


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