Vegetable Seed Oils - Corn Oil, Cottonseed Oil, Soybean Oil, Safflower Oil, Peanut Oil,
Canola Oil, Vegetable Oil.
Nina Teicholz - 'Vegetable Oils: The Unknown Story'
Nina Teicholz is New York Times bestselling investigative science journalist, author of 'The Big Fat Surprise',
which The Economist named as the #1 science book of 2014.
An excellent overview by Nina Teicholz on how Vegetable Seed Oils were originally manufactured as industrial
bi-product of cotton seed oils in the 1910s, and became huge since 1940s and 1950s because of the fraudulent
low-animal-fat, low-cholesterol theory.
The good news is that the majority of Seed Oils you eat is in the form
of ready-to-eat prepackaged carbs (they are all made from Soybean Oil). All the prepackaged
carbs are pure garbage food anyway that you want
to get rid of as much as possible. So by getting rid of prepackaged carbs, you will
be also be getting rid of majority of your Seed Oils intake.
Beyond prepackaged carbs, you are getting Seed Oils mostly from frying
(almost all restaurants fry in Seed Oils). So you have to not use seed oils in frying
at home as well as avoid buying fryed food at restaurants.
When you cook at home, use lard and beef tallow
for high temperature frying, use butter and olive oil for lower temperature frying.
The next major source of seed oils to avoid is salad dressings. Make your own olive oil based
salad dressings.